In March 2015 we welcomed a new staff position by adding a Program Director for the Arts, Maria Gould. Gould joins Mo-Ranch after most recently spending 12 years teaching in Magnolia, TX. She looks forward to utilizing her expertise in the arts to enhance the Mo-Ranch experience. Gould obtained her Bachelors of Fine Arts degree from Alfred University and Masters of Fine Arts degree from the University of Colorado. Mo-Ranch’s Arts and Crafts ministry continues to grow strong with special programming incorporating worship and the arts in youth programs, camps, spring break events, annual conferences and more.
Mo-Ranch youth and general conference attendees created over 300 ceramic bowls for the 15th Annual Empty Bowl Project that was held by San Antonio’s SAMMinistries on March 8. The Empty Bowls Project is an international movement to help raise both money and awareness in the fight to end hunger and homelessness. The project allows artists and groups to create and donate bowls, which are then sold at an event with proceeds to benefit the Bowls Project.
Jr. High Jubilee conference attendees were very excited to assist with the bowl project. Maria Gould, Program Director for the Arts who assisted with the project said they asked the kids to think during the creation of the bowls about what the bowls would be used for, what is put in them, and what if someone had nothing to put in them. “They were very proud knowing that by helping with the project they would help benefit those who were less fortunate” Gould said.