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Conferences for Youth

Please complete steps 1-4 to register for any of our youth conferences.

After downloading and completing each form you can email them to or submit them using the form at the bottom of the page.

Step 1

Download the registration form and return to the conference registrar. A church may register for multiple conferences on one form. Registration form and payment may be mailed, emailed or faxed to the program office. Make checks payable to Mo-Ranch.

If you feel hotel housing best accommodates your group, we highly suggest bringing an extra sponsor for your group to allow for ample supervision. 

Questions? We are happy to help! Contact us at 1.800.460.4401 ext. 246 or

Please mail forms to:

Mo-Ranch Program Office
Attn: Registrar
2229 FM 1340, Hunt, TX 78024


email forms to

Step 2

A list of participants must be submitted 60 days prior to the start of the conference. Please use the template provided by the link below. Fill it in, save it and email it to

Step 3

When we receive your step 1, we will send the coordinator a link for all adult sponsors to complete their paperwork.

All adult sponsors must complete and turn in all three forms below: participant covenant, health/release form and child protection form.

Each adult sponsor is required to have a background check (child protection form) on file before arriving at Mo-Ranch. Every background check must have been run within 12 months of the conference and include social security number verification, a criminal super search (includes Nationwide Sex Offender Registry search) and a terrorist search. If needed, Mo-Ranch is able to complete the background check for each sponsor. The sponsor will need to complete an authorization form and pay an $18 non-refundable fee. Background checks are due as early as possible. Authorization forms are accepted up to 2 weeks prior to the start of the conference.

Your background check and MinistrySafe training must be completed and on file with the Programs Office before you arrive for your conference.

Step 4

When we receive your step 1, we will send the church coordinator a link for parents to complete youth paperwork.

All youth participants must have their guardian complete the Health/Release Form and sign the Covenant of Conduct.

Please submit paperwork for all youth and adults no later than 30 days prior to the beginning of the conference, to


Please contact the program office at 800-460-4401 ext. 246 if you have questions regarding scholarships.



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