Mo Slide Competition • Outdoor Fun • River Swimming
The third Saturday of August is Mo Gives Back! Day. Join us for our annual summer event with a mission.

For 75 years, the people of Kerr County have been stalwart supporters of Mo-Ranch and other nonprofits in the area, making everything we do possible. As a thank-you, we are committed to pay it forward, both through the Mo Gives Back event and other community outreach opportunities throughout the year. This is the heart of the Mo Gives Back! intiative. Mo Gives Back! which encourages staff to volunteer at local nonprofits, culminates each year on the third Saturday in August for Mo Gives Back! Day.
The Mo Gives Back event is the one day a year the riverfront is open to the public without a season pass or prior registration. All are invited to come out to Mo-Ranch on August 17, 2024, to enjoy food, beverages and entertainment. Your $25 ticket will serve as a contribution to the event’s selected beneficiary.
Mo Gives Back is Polar Bear Plunge reimagined, while continuing to give back to the community during these unprecedented times. If you enjoy the comradery and fundraising efforts that were a direct result of Polar Bear Plunge, we encourage you to participate in Mo Gives Back!
For more questions on this event please contact Lisa Winters, Director of Marketing and Community Relations at lwinters@moranch.com
2024 Beneficiary
Kerrville Pets Alive! is a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving the lives of homeless pets in Kerr County, Texas. Kerrville Pets Alive! Works to keep pets in homes and out shelters by assisting Kerr County Animal Services with funding and volunteers and providing animal welfare resources to the Kerr County community.
Since the formation of KPA!, there has been a substantial decrease in the number of pets euthanized in Kerr County.
Our KPA! Board Members serve without compensation. We are a nonprofit that is 100% volunteer-run, and every dollar donated helps save animals’ lives right in our community.
Mo-Ranch is looking for generous donors interested in sponsoring the Mo Gives Back! initiative and the Mo-lympics event. We have multiple tiers of sponsorships available that each come with their own range of benefits.
Available Sponsorships:
Gold Sponsor – $1000
Lead sponsors will be featured as a top sponsor for this event. Your organization will have a table at the Mo Gives back event on July 30, 2022. You will receive recognition on the Mo Gives Back event web page, event signage, throughout advertising, including but not limited to all media advertisement, all social media advertisement, press releases, and all throughout the live event. Gold Sponsor has the opportunity to provide materials for registration bags. General admission will be waived for gold sponsors.
Silver Sponsor – $500
Silver level sponsors will be featured in pre-event and event marketing. Your organization will receive recognition throughout advertising, including but not limited to all media advertisement, all social media advertisement, press releases, and all throughout the live event. The silver sponsor has the opportunity to provide materials for registration bags. General admission will be waived for silver sponsors.
Bronze Sponsor – $250
General sponsorship. Recognition at the live Mo Gives Back event and waived general admission to the live event on July 30, 2022.