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Your support matters

Thank you for considering a gift to Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly.

Since 1949, Mo-Ranch has served as a sacred and transformative place for more than 26,000 guests a year. Through fellowship, worship, relaxation and renewal, Mo-Ranch strives to foster growth in God through Jesus Christ by sharing its unique living, learning, Christian environment.

Mo-Ranch’s mission is to continue to provide a safe, welcoming and inspiring place for church groups, families and individuals.

Whether you’re interested in a general gift, or supporting one of Mo-Ranch’s programs, know that you are transforming lives.

Annual operating fund (unrestricted)

Your support toward the annual operating fund puts your dollars right where Mo-Ranch needs it the most. You could be funding emergency repairs to existing buildings or a scholarship for a child who has never attended camp. Whatever your money goes toward, just know that you’re supporting Mo-Ranch’s mission of fostering growth in God through Jesus Christ.

Retreat and conference scholarships

Over the decades, Mo-Ranch has initiated programs to meet the spiritual needs of the Church. Your gift makes it possible for those with lower incomes to participate in our Christian programs and enjoy the fellowship and education we offer. By supporting a retreat or conference scholarship, you might just be the bright spot in someone’s life who plans to attend Comfort and Hope for the Journey of Grief—a weekend retreat for adults who have experienced the death of a spouse, child, parent or sibling.

Your donation to this fund will transform lives through the arts, fellowship and the healing power of our Lord and Savior.

Capital projects

When you support capital projects, you help Mo-Ranch continue to accommodate its growing number of guests, revitalize facilities and provide very needed accessibility upgrades. With your donation, Mo-Ranch will be able to fully develop the creative arts ministry, make the nature trail ADA compliant, start a rainwater collection and purchase a worship suite designed for Mo-Ranch.

Change for children (camp and conference scholarships)

If children are near and dear to your heart, a donation to Change for Children is where your money can do a world of good! Change for Children—which has a lofty annual goal of $100,000—is a program in which donations are accepted from Mo-Ranch guests to provide 400 scholarships for children across the Synod of the Sun —a 4 state region. Your donation allows for children to attend camps and conferences at Mo-Ranch, who otherwise would not be able to do so.

Leave your mark on Mo-Ranch with a legacy gift

The Circle M Club is a new legacy society created to sustain the mission of Mo-Ranch. Your planned gift allows you to create and brand your legacy of faith by preserving Mo-Ranch for future generations. Give the gift that costs nothing in your lifetime!

Lodging campaign

Your past and future contributions to the lodging campaign allow Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly to serve as a place of renewal and relaxation—allowing those who travel through its gates to let their walls down and draw closer to God. Your gifts are being used to renovate Wynne/Flato Lodge, Pheasant Run and other guest accommodations with new flooring, cabinets, countertops, energy-efficient windows and new bedding. By providing upgraded lodging facilities to our guests, our mission to share Mo-Ranch is better served.

Learn more about how you can support Mo-Ranch here:

Leave memories where so many are created! Learn more about memorial options here:



Keep Mo-Ranch Affordable
Stregthen Programs
Stregthen Programs
Camps and Conferences
Leave Your Mark On Mo-Ranch
Care for and Maintain Facilities



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